Freed (The Chained Trilogy)
Hate divided them. Love united them. Now, war may tear them apart.Peace between Daleraia and Dinasdale was hard won, achieved at a heavy cost. Yet, the alliance of two powerful families will hold the realm of Almere together, led by the example of Gwen and Caden Maignart, whose marriage marked the beginning of the treaty and resulting efforts to men a broken kingdom once again. Ravaged lands are being restored, tumultuous relationships have found firm footing, and two clans once torn asunder by war will discover common ground. All is well as the newly-wedded couple returns to Minas Bothe to take up their seats as High Lord and Lady of Daleraia.However, a foe they counted as defeated will rise again, putting at risk everything they have fought for. New alliances are made, with battle lines clearly drawn. A war they once thought avoidable now becomes inevitable. Prepared to fight to preserve the new alliance, Caden and Gwen will find themselves at the forefront as the entire kingdom turns to them for leadership. With everything and everyone important to them in peril, can they rise to the occasion and bring a war-torn realm back together once and for all?