A Life Unfolds in the City
New York City, 1906-- With the fast-approaching death of their mother, the lives of two sisters, Martha and Lilah Caldon, are about to change. Lilah, the younger of the two, is favored by their mother. She receives the best education and attends various social events outfitted in the finest wardrobe. The only exception is the annual Broadway play Martha attends with her parents, when Lilah is left at home. Every year since she turned 16, Martha and her parents go backstage after the play to meet Miss Sahara, the beautiful leading actress.
Once Martha’s mother passes, she feels liberated. Martha is excited to pursue her dream of becoming a part of the Women’s Movement. The death of her mother also allows Martha’s friendship with Miss Sahara to strengthen. Martha finds herself coming alive in the presence of Miss Sahara and the handsome and fun-loving theater manager, Rick Wentworth. As her own romance blossoms, Martha becomes aware of the strong attraction between Miss Sahara and her otherwise reserved father, which makes her wonder about her father’s past…and her own.