How we are Guided by Spirits: Book 3 of Spiritism - The Spirit World Revealed to an Anglican Vicar
The series of three books I have written; analyzing and expanding the communications from various groups of spirits to the Rev. G. Vale Owen, are for the express purpose of explaining the reality - the organization, the process, the environment, the progression of spirits, the work, the daily life - of Heaven and the realms below to provide for those interested an understanding of why we are on earth, in our present physical form, and what is waiting for us when our dense shell is cast off and we return to the real world ... the spirit world.How we are Guided by Spirits - Book 3 of Spiritism as Revealed to an Anglican Vicar -Book 3 covers communications that pertain to three main themes:1. Guiding humans on earth2. Spirit assistance3. The future of earthBook 3 illustrates the ground game of the spirit world. Via the messages of multiple spirits to the Rev. G. Vale Owen we are presented examples of how the spirit realm above us peers down upon their unruly students. The process of tracking and modifying behavior on an individual and a collective basis is revealed. Even the broader direction of human society in the future is posted for all to see.