The Unofficial Harry Potter Insults Handbook: 101 Comebacks For The Wicked Wizards And Witches In Your Life
The Unofficial Harry Potter Insults book now features additional pages, including "Tricks and Treats for Magical Bullies," as well as hilarious new illustrations and even more wicked insults such as, “You’re a beast, but there’s nothing fantastic about you.” Got a belligerent bully on your back? Next time your paths cross say, "Every time I see a Dementor, I'm forced to relive our every encounter." Whether you're a N.E.W.T.-level wizard or a wide-eyed witch still awaiting your Hogwarts acceptance letter, you've probably encountered a merciless Malfoy or despicable Dursley who makes your magical blood boil. If you've ever stood speechless as someone called you a talentless squib, a worthless git or a filthy mudblood, The Unofficial Harry Potter Insults Handbook: 101 Comebacks For The Wicked Wizards And Witches In Your Life is the book for you! (This book is a kid-friendly parody and is not affiliated in any way with any other official or unofficial Harry Potter book, J.K. Rowling, or Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.)