How to Succeed in The Christian Life
A work of special value for beginners in the Christian life.
"There is nothing more important in the Christian life than beginning right. If we begin right we can go on right. If we begin wrong the whole life that follows is likely to be wrong. If any one who reads these pages has begun wrong, it is a very simple matter to begin over again and begin right. What the right beginning in the Christian life is we are told in John 1: 12, "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name." The right way to begin the Christian life is by receiving Jesus Christ. To any one who receives Him, He at once gives power to become a child of God. If the reader of this book should be the wickedest man on earth and should at this moment receive Jesus Christ, that very instant he would become a child of God. God says so in the most unqualified way in the verse quoted above. No one can become a child of God in any other way. No man, no matter how carefully he has been reared, no matter how well he has been sheltered from the vices and evils of this world, is a child of God until he receives Jesus Christ. We are "sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3: 26, R. V.), and in no other way."
The best book we know to put into the hands of the young convert, and even in the hands of more mature Christians. It tells the young convert just what he needs to know. It will also be helpful to many who have long been Christians, but have not made that headway into the Christian life that they desire.
"Many who have marked with gladness the large accession to the ranks of active Christians brought about by such revival agencies as those of Messrs. Torrey and Alexander have felt the importance of securing further instruction in the Christian life for those who have been brought to decision. Dr. Torrey himself is aware of this need and seeks to meet it in a little work entitled "How to Succeed in the Christian Life.' The suggestions are mainly in the direction of maintaining religion in the soul." -The Westminster
"Intended by this well-known evangelist for young converts as a sort of guide in their new career. He hopes it may also be helpful to those who, though long on the road, have not made the progress they had hoped." -The Churchman
"This book is especially written for those who are Mr. Torrey's converts. It is expected to be helpful to many other Christians also. The book bears, of course, evidences of the rugged individuality of Mr. Torrey, but his suggestions s to Bible studies are very practical and helpful. The book lays great emphasis on the privilege and duty of bringing friends and acquaintances to Christ." -The Christian Work and the Evangelist
I. Beginning Right
II. The Open Confession of Christ
III. Assurance of Salvation
IV. Receiving the Holy Spirit
V. Looking Unto Jesus
VI. Church Membership
VII. Bible Study
VIII. Difficulties in the Bible
IX. Prayer
X. Working for Christ
XI. Foreign Missions
XII. Companions
XIII. Amusements
XIV. Persecution
XV. Guidance