Seven Sisters of Algiers: Something To Talk About
SEVEN SISTERS OF ALGIERS: SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT by Cathy Smith of New Orleans is a work of fiction that tells the story of a girl growing up outside New Orleans in the town of Algiers and her experiences with love and life while living and working among the Seven Sisters in "Hoodoo Town." Adhering to a lingering call to pen some of the stories so dear to her heart, Cathy completed writing her debut novel in 2016 and decided to release the work in 2017 to share a few stories, songs and folklore about the beloved Louisiana voodoo women known as the Seven Sisters with readers worldwide.Released with assistance from BePublished.Org in October 2017, SEVEN SISTERS OF ALGIERS: Something To Talk About by Cathy Smith is available for order worldwide via SevenSistersofAlgiers.Com and also via Kindle as an e-book for $9.95 or as a softback for $19.95 (plus shipping and taxes) from bricks-and-mortar and online book retailers including Barnes & Noble, your local bookstore, and Amazon.Com.