Beyond The Brochure: An Insider's Guide To Private Elementary Schools In Los Ang
Beyond the Brochure: An Insider’s Guide to Private Elementary Schools in Los Angeles is Christina Simon, Anne Simon, and Porcha Dodson’s gift to every parent looking for the truth about private (and independent) elementary schools, admission policies, and what it really takes to get a child accepted. Using their step-by-step guide through the labyrinthine admissions process― applications, testing, parent and child interviews, recommendation letters, applying for a child with special needs, even stress reduction―every parent will enter the process knowledgeable, confident, and ready to navigate what could otherwise be a complicated and frustrating system. From selecting the right school to writing your child’s application, from keeping your cool during the process to understanding financial aid applications, these three authors have pooled their years of extensive experience to deliver the ultimate insider’s guide.