Rebuilt and Restored: Lessons from the book of Nehemiah (Hello Mornings Bible Studies)
Do you wish you could study the Bible more consistently and more deeply, but don’t have the time or training?
Our HelloMornings Bible studies are specifically designed to help you consistently dive deep into Scripture whether you have five minutes or fifty.
“Rebuilt and Restored” is a six-week Bible study that dives deeply into the book of Nehemiah and examines God's love and power displayed through His wonderful works of restoration and renewal.
Each day has a scripture reading, a relatable and insightful commentary and a journal page with optional action steps to take your study of the passage as deep as you’d like to go.
In addition, each day has prompts for "Plan Time" and "Move Time" - space to plan your main tasks for the day and make healthy choices (meal planning and workout prompt).
Our mission at is to help women build life-giving morning routines. All our resources are flexibly designed to strengthen powerful habits in simple grace-filled ways.