The Sent One: Shepherd to Shepherds: A Working Resource for John's Gospel (Shepherd to Shepherds Resources)
The Sent One is a working resource centered upon the Gospel of John. It is intended for church leaders: pastors, Bible teachers, and/or small group leaders, who have very limited resources. It may be used as a preparation for preaching and teaching, or as a devotional aid.Its format is simple: its forty-one studies consist of an English translation; the Nestle-Aland Greek text; inductive questions; and then Stan's "meditations," originally shared in worship.As an entr#65533;e into John's Gospel, The Sent One begins with Jesus' words: "Just as you have sent me into the world [,Father], so I have sent them" (John 17:18), recognizing that Jesus consistently identified Himself as "the Sent One." From this identification two questions emerge: To whom was Jesus sent and with what message? The Sent One explores these questions, laying great emphasis upon the Gospel's, sevenfold I-AM statements.