Freedom First: Brief Readings on Liberty, Peace and Prosperity
Have you ever wondered why some economies thrive while others languish? Freedom First is an easy-to-read and entertaining collection of 108 brief readings, mostly about common sense economics. It is designed to be a bedtime reader, but adapts finely to more ignoble uses such as being a bathroom book. The 108 readings emanate from the author's years as a college-level teacher. Some of the readings serve as a memoir of his efforts to communicate the importance of freedom to his students through classroom discussions and activities. Most of the readings focus on explaining how free markets create economic prosperity and how market prices serve the vital role of transmitting information to coordinate cooperation within complex modern economies. Some of the readings discuss freedoms other than economic freedoms under the belief that economic and civil liberties reinforce each other. Economic and civil liberties are synergistic - maximizing the total benefit derived by the societies lucky enough to have great freedoms. Economic and civil liberties also help to preserve each other from the ever-present threat of tyranny. All of the readings are designed to be easily understood and enjoyable to those who are favorably inclined towards free markets.