The Gift Of Friendship
When counting my blessings, my list includes my friends. As I reflect on myrelationship with my friends, I realize the blessing of friendship is immense. Next tohaving God, family, and a good spouse in one's life, is there anything more satisfyingthan to know you have built friendships with people who will celebrate your triumphsand stand by you in your time of need.I am writing this book to pay homage to the many people I am fortunate enough tocall my friends. This is not a manuscript conceived on the premise of my havingmagnetic charisma or an irresistible personality. It is in fact a tribute to the wonderfulpeople in my life who have been patient and understanding with a very flawed andimperfect individual named Gene Koester. Although imperfect and flawed, through thegrace of God, and the influence of my friends, I have come to recognize what is trulyimportant in my Christian life and that recognition begins with life itself.You are about to meet a wide range of personalities, which hopefully, you the readercan relate to directly or indirectly. This heartfelt relationship known as friendship, allowsour time as earthly beings to be unique and fulfilling in a manner pleasing to God. Ithank our Lord for the abundance of friendships he has bestowed upon me, and I praymy friends feel I have been a blessing in their lives.So, come along with me as I introduce you to some people who have blessed me withtheir love and understanding. A love and understanding which has given me a lifetimeof beautiful memories. Because of God's blessings, these people have become; notonly childhood playmates, not just adolescent companions, not merely adult confidants,but truly my lifelong friends.