Benefits in Resisting the Devil, by Standing for God and His Word
I am once again moved and led by the Holy Spirit to pen a book in this year of 2021-the year of the Pandemic, the year of chaos and racial hate and tension; also the year of gargantuan persecution of the Church, accompanied by demonic assaults and attacks of Planet Earth by Spiritual Wickedness in High Places.As always, this book is written as a Soul Winning Tool. And it is transcribed to instruct BELIEVERS to: "Endure hardness as good soldiers and "STAND!!!"For "we wrestle-not against flesh-and-blood but against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places."I pray that all who read this book will accept our Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and "STAND" against the wiles and onslaughts of the Kingdom of Darkness?Looking to Jesus; "THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUR FAITH?