By My Spirit
"The Spirit of the Living God is upon me for He has anointed me to preach the gospel not only from the pulpit and the airways but also through the writing of books." This book is a revelation that was given to me by the Holy Spirit to enlighten us, God's children, to the fact that we cannot live a victorious Christian life if we do not allow the Spirit of God to lead and guide us. We must learn to walk in the Spirit if we are to accomplish and receive the things God has promised us... And I pray that God will use this book to remind us as Christians that we are not alone.The Spirit of God dwells within us and He was sent by Jesus to help us to live a victorious life and to accomplish all the things that God has ordained for us on earth... We must trust the Spirit of God and listen as He instructs us. For He loves us and He has good things in store for us... He also comforts and protects us as we journey through this life. He will never leave or forsake us while He daily teaches us to walk in the Spirit...