Stepping Heavenward: The Legacy of Home Press Classic Edition
A beautiful Christian story written as a fictitious journal to inspire readers to holy and joyful living. You will read about a young lady who grows in Christian character through the trials and joys of life. The story, centering around domestic life, begins when she is 16 years old and goes on for many years, through marriage and motherhood, up to close to her death. Her story is wholesome, instructive, convicting, and encouraging. This edition is republished from the 1900 book and was written by Mrs. Elizabeth Prentiss (1818 - 1878). She was the daughter of a New England clergyman, and the wife of a minister. She was the mother of six children and the author of several inspiring stories, including "Aunt Jane's Hero," and "The Little Preacher." Her writings continue to encourage and bless readers all over the world. - Special features of the current edition, published by The Legacy of Home press, include: 1.) The text is a standard 12 point font. 2.) The pages are a traditional cream color rather than the bright white found in modern books of today. The cream color is more restful for the reader. It is less wearying on the eyes. 3.) A few words in the original book have completely changed in their definition compared to today. These words have been replaced to reflect the author's original meaning. 4.) A handful of uncommon words have been left unchanged in our new edition. It is suggested that the reader might enjoy looking up the author's form of expression with the use of the 1828 edition of Noah Webster's dictionary. 5.) Mrs. Prentiss often quotes the Bible in her writings. The quotes are from the King James Version of the Bible. 6.) George Prentiss (the author's husband) wrote the introduction to the book in 1899. This edition includes both his "sketch of the author" and "story of the book," which are a blessing to read. 7.) Mrs. Sharon White, from "The Legacy of Home Press," has written a foreword to the book. 8.) The cover photo was taken by Mrs. White and shows some of the scenery of Vermont. The Prentiss family built a house in Dorset, Vermont in 1869. This was where Mrs. Prentiss spent her last 10 summers.