The Road to Fox Hollow
When Bill Leikam aka the Fox Guy first discovered the presence of the gray foxes in the brush along the San Francisco Bay, he took up a daily vigil in a place that he'd come to call Fox Hollow. There he watched the young foxes playing under the edge of the brush across the road. He jotted down notes on what these foxes did. Returning day after day he found himself consumed by the need to know more about these superb predators. Eventually, people came to call Bill the Fox Guy for as one person out on the trail put it, "That's easier to remember. You're just the Fox Guy." The foxes in two communities learned to trust Bill and in so doing they remained wild and they followed him when he was in the area. This gave him the opportunity to see their various behaviors and to record them in his Daily Gray Fox Log. As he learned more about these foxes, wildlife related organizations and high-tech corporations invited him to share what he knew about these intriguing animals. By 2021 people knew the Fox Guy as the leading authority on the gray fox's behavior; their life and their death.