The Vesper Bell, Part I-Sons Of Jacob VII
From an ancient dungeon in the heart of France to an abandoned schoolhouse in a lonely Scottish borough, the international assassin, Cobra, has embarked upon a long-awaited journey for vengeance. Though it is unclear even to him what - or who - was the catalyst for his psychotic behavior, he has taken steps to make all those who played a role feel the pain of what he has become.
But his efforts aren't confined to Europe. His reach extends halfway around the world as he pulls together the varied actors who will star in the stage play of his life. As a Son of Jacob, his efforts are aided by his father Jacob, who is intricately tied to three of Cobra's prisoners. Those prisoners are vital to the evil patriarch's plans, so Jacob must therefore assist his errant son Cobra if he hopes to save them for his own nefarious use. As the maniacal killer gets closer to enacting his revenge, it becomes clear that his success hinges not only on the deaths of his enemies, but on the purging of a past that has haunted his entire life.