Breaking the Trance of Stress: A Guide to Balance In Your Personal and Professional Life
Want to get rid of stress or tension? This book is a quick and insightful read. Filled with stories, tips, and illustrations. You'll want to turn each page quickly. Enthusiastically scooping the next tip to release and become more centered, focused, present and balanced. Using your body's warning signs and yes, even your posture to become aligned with your goals.
Many books have been written on stress and tension. Most technical. Long and boring. Losing the reader, putting it on the bedside table never to open again. Breaking the Trance is like a mini reference book containing engaging/humorous illustrations that will long be remembered be reminded long after the words have drifted.
"This book presents strategies, support, and insight in a concise, entertaining way. It helped me find a level of balance, that I had not found on my own. As a result, I can now be more effective in everything I do."
- Ken Blanchard coauthor of The One-Minute Manager
Dave Brown is a personal and professional coach based in Del Mar, California, who helps his clients find better balance with themselves, their work, and those closest to them. His approach involves guiding his clients in discovering the subtle, subconscious behaviors that are holding them back from achieving their goals. He coaches them in spotting their own "early warning signs" so they can recognize, realign, and release their patterned behaviors as they appear in real-time in their daily lives. Dave offers up a truth that many highly motivated, self-driven professionals can balk at: that it IS indeed possible to perform at the highest levels in business -- and to have a thriving, peaceful personal life. In other words, that they can attain the same level of success with less struggle. In this book, Dave lays out the methods for making that truth possible, to cultivate your own type of grace under pressure and achieve excellence with ease.