Elevate School-Based Professional Learning (Implement school-based PD based on authors’ research and real experiences with strategies that work)
In Elevate School-Based Professional Learning, authors Joellen Killion, William A. Sommers, and Ann Delehant present a model for continuous professional learning that occurs in school staffs everyday work context. This school-based professional learning allows educators to efficiently learn and then immediately apply their refined practices in the classroom. Research-based strategies help preK-12 educators collaboratively study and solve issues arising from their school's unique context and circumstances. By learning together in their school, teachers, staff, and leaders can discover what does and does not work and foster improved student results. Readers Will: Discover what school-based professional learning is and how they can implement it through a collaborative effort, Learn how to collect and analyze data to determine their school's needs and to help focus their school-based professional learning, Understand how to reach learning goals by developing essential knowledge, attitudes, skills, aspirations, and behaviors, Benefit from multiple tools and strategies for implementing, assessing, maintaining, growing, and reflecting on school-based professional learning, Gain insight into personal and systemwide benefits of school-based professional learning and how to meet and move beyond the challenges of implementing this model