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Petit Cochon, Little Pig: French and English Version

Petit Cochon, Little Pig: French and English Version image




Released: May 06, 2022
Format: Paperback, 32 pages
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A bilingual read-along book translated from English and retold in French for children ages 4-9, this story tells of a timid piglet who uses his powerful snout to become an outstanding soccer star. When this talent does not save him from being sent to the market, he escapes into the woods.Watching the soccer games from afar, he yearns for his human friends. Years later, at a family gathering at the old farm, he becomes a hero when he saves a small child. Reunited with his old friends, he observes modestly that of course friends help each other, so why are they fussing over him? Written in the style of a Chinese fable, this original story is built on the timeless themes of friendship, faithfulness, and perseverance. It follows the tradition of Kipling's Just So Stories, accompanied by exquisite color pencil-and-watercolor illustrations.

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