Stepping Into Purity: A Movement of Women on the Journey from Captivity to Freedom
Stepping Into Purity is more than a beautifully crafted compilation of real-life stories and practical strategies pooled together to help searchers experience new levels of purity in Christ. It is a treasure chest of insight that paints a practical picture of the natural progression of pain to purpose through, with, and by the obsessively effective and efficient love of God. In it, you read stories. You witness real-life journeys. You engage. You interact with activities designed to usher you into your own journey of healing and restoration in Christ.Read this book. Live this book. Find yourself in any of the real lives of real people on the path to purity. Don't wait. Take the first step today. ~Cinder-Ella PierceStepping Into Purity is a raw and open testimonial of understanding the consequences to sex outside of marriage. It's a clear explanation of flesh versus biblical principles as to the reason sex was designed for a man and a woman and the importance of the intimate bond with a married partner. Step by step, this book helps guide us to renew ourselves in every way. Great read! ~Susie Hawthorne