My Angel Slept With Me
When Mom became ill with what would later be diagnosed as Parkinson's Disease with Lewy Body Dementia, we as a family, "circled the wagons" to protect her privacy, her dignity, and her sense of self. As her condition worsened, we only drew the circle tighter. While it was exactly what Mom needed, it left Dad to deal with the ever-increasing decisions regarding Mom's care with little help. Dad had no medical background. We knew of no one in either branch of our family that had suffered from this horrific disease. To say that the situation was overwhelming is a gross understatement.On April 26, 2019, Mom went to sleep with her angel for the last time. When next she awakes, she will be in the presence of the Living God. My Angel Slept with Me is Dad's story of the long, painful, and often lonely walk he and my mother took with this disease. Dad spent three years as Mom's primary caregiver before hospice care began eighteen months prior to her death.The "better and in health" part of their love story is still theirs alone. This is the "worse and in sickness." It is my father's deeply personal story of the most difficult time in his life. He wrote it as a type of therapy following Mom's death. He is sharing it with the rest of us in hopes that any lessons that can be taken from their journey can help lighten the burden for the next family who finds themselves in this position.Whether you are facing this journey in the future or walking it today, we wish you peace.