Network Marketing Like a Pro: Simple Steps to Get Started and Become a Network Marketing Pro
Do You Want to Know the Fastest Way to Become Successful at Network Marketing?
The author, Neil Markowitz has been a network marketer since 2003. He has been called an expert by many, and absolutely loves network marketing. He's worked with some well-known companies such as Herbalife, Amco, and Cutco. He now spends his time teaching others how to become successful network marketers.
Table of Contents:
- Chapter 1: Network marketing Concept
- Chapter 2: How To Find Prospects/ Generate Leads
- Chapter 3: Presenting The Product In Network Marketing
- Chapter 4: Inviting the Prospect in Network Marketing
- Chapter 5: Following up in Network Marketing
- Chapter 6: Helping Your Downline To Get Started
- Chapter 7: Promoting The Events
- Chapter 8: Measuring Multilevel Marketing Performance
- Chapter 9: How To Develop A Compensation Plan
- Chapter 10: Comparison of Network Marketing and Traditional Marketing
- Chapter 11: Improving Skills for Network Marketing
- Chapter 12: Network Marketing Business Essentials
What Readers are Saying:
"This is a brilliant idea of writing book on network marketing by Neil Markowitz, helped me a lot in enhancing my network marketing work. Through this brilliant book I come to the best guidelines to improve my network marketing skills and its advantages and disadvantages. Before reading this book I was in a sea full of sharks and it was hard for me to find the path to get the successful network marketing guidelines. This book gives me more than I wanted for my network marketing work; it provides you the model of MLM marketing. If you are new in network marketing like me then this book is the excellent choice, it helps you to get motivated, discusses the network marketing business essentials, its opportunities and moreover the guidelines so you can improve your skills and become network marketing professional. This book is a great leader for me towards successful network marketing business."