The Ancient Nemesis
The once fifth planet now home-world to mysterious light gravity GREY Aliens. Pronounced Greee. The future entails fantastic adventures of discovery for the Crew of four astronauts aboard the destined for doom, U.S.S. Nova exploration vessel. A story full of exciting suspense, and fantastic journeys of discovery, to the Dark Nemesis, that forever reshaped our solar system. The discovery of the original designers of the pyramids on planet Earth and Mars, the descendants of which, are now living and prospering on the very dark edge of the solar system, where no one could have ever fathomed that a civilization dwells. Through great struggles of survival, the descendant of hero Neil Armstrong is the first human baby boy conceived and born on an extended exploration mission. Born July 20th in the year 2189 aboard U.S.S. Nova Lander Two. Eric Armstrong Alley.