Hypothyroidism Diagnosis Guide: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments and Vital Information To Help You Live with Hypothyroidism
If you've always wanted to live well with hypothyroidism but continue to gain weight, feel fatigue or cold then keep reading... Are you sick and tired of not being able to properly moderate your thyroid issue? Have you tried endless other solutions but nothing seems to work for more than a few weeks or months? Do you finally want to say goodbye to autoimmune disease, brain fog, or depression and discover something which works for you? If so, then you've come to the right place because this book is for you. You see, living well with hypothyroidism doesn't have to be difficult. Even if you've tried pills, treatments, or hiring a professional. In fact, it's easier than you think. Reports from the Mayo Clinic demonstrated that with the proper dosage of synthetic hormones and certain exercises will yield beneficial effects. This book will show you the best exercises when starting out and proper way to listen to your body. Which means you can get your life back without feeling tired, gaining weight or feeling brain-fogged. Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll discover:The 4 things you should know about synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxineThe 7 exercises you should do each day to manage your weightWhy consuming these 4 common household drugs could slow down or hurt your progressHow to save time and money going to the gym with just one simple exercise added to your daily routineWhat Oprah monitored to live well with her hypothyroidism and how you cna tooThe 2 treatments to avoid and steer clear to ensure the best possible results Take a second to imagine how you'll feel once you are full of energy, happy with your body and clear of mind, and how your family and friends will react when they see you like this. So even if you can't get out of bed or almost always tired from your thyroid issues, you can live exceptionally well.