Scanning Around with Gene, Volume 1: The Graphic Arts
Gene Gable spent a decade (2003 – 2013) writing over 350 witty and often hilarious articles for on subjects as varied as the Happy Face icon to dog costumes — always through the lens of a designer, publisher, and cultural critic. Now, CreativePro is publishing this newly updated collection of 21 classic articles of particular interest to designers and graphic artists!\nIf you lived through carbon paper, Speedball pens, rubylith, Dover books, and Letraset, you’ll laugh, remembering the good times and the bad. And if you never experienced these essential design staples, you are in for a treat.\nChapters include: Sheena is a Punk Printer Waxing Nostalgic Over Paste-Up The Best Type Book with No Typesetting When Letraset Was King You Too Can be a Famous Artist