Age In Place Remodeling Workbook
Do you want the freedom and dignity of staying in your own home as you grow older?Do you want to live independently in a safe, comfortable, and familiar environment--without the fear of being shipped off to a nursing home?The Age In Place Remodeling Workbook is filled with tips and guidance to keep you living safely and independently in your home as you age. This practical guide will help you:Assess your home to determine which areas are most in need of an Age In Place remodelModify your home to accommodate your changing physical and mental health needs.Remodel your home without breaking your budgetDetermine which projects are "Do It Yourself" and which projects require a contractorAvoid being ripped off and taken advantage of Dawn Steimer and Vince Thompson are co-owners of Master Remodelers, serving Knoxville, Tennessee and the surrounding area since 1998. Master Remodelers is a licensed General Contractor with the State of Tennessee, a member of the Knoxville Chamber of Commerce, Networking Today International, and holds the Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist certification from the National Association of Home Builders and is certified by Age Safe America. Master Remodelers hosts the #1weekend radio show, “Around the House” heard each Saturday morning from 7-9 on NewsTalk 98.7. For more information and resources, visit