The Life of Saint Dominic
The Life of Saint Dominic is the preeminent biography of the founder of the Order of Preachers. Bede Jarrett, O.P., follows Dominic de Guzman from boyhood to death, describing his emergence amidst the Great Heresy of the Albigensians, the founding of the Order, the establishment of the nuns, and his commission of brothers in the mission of praise, prayer, and preaching. As James Sullivan, O.P., notes in his Introduction: This book “shows Saint Dominic in his own times at his own moment of history. Saint Dominic was not swept away by what was happening around him. He was responding to what was happening around him, responding exactly to what the Lord was asking of him.”
Richly descriptive and deeply moving, The Life of Saint Dominic is essential reading for all sons and daughters of Saint Dominic, and, indeed, the Church and the world.