International Journal of Urban Transformation: Urban Church Planting
Cities continue to be at the forefront of culture. Now that over half of the global population lives in cities we're confronted with the reality of not only living in urbanized areas, but understanding them, loving them, and planting churches there. IJUT Volume 4 examines urban church planting and the nuances of that topic around the world. Whether we're exploring planting in gentrifying neighborhoods in Washington DC or Brooklyn, New York, learning about case studies of church planting in cities like Colombo, Sri Lanka and Singapore, IJUT Volume 4 gives you a well-rounded framework and perspective for this topic.The journal is broken down into three sections: Featured Articles, Case Studies, and Book Reviews.Contributors: Lisa Hoff (Ontario, California), Matthew Watson (Washington DC), Lloyd Chia (Portland), Stephen Stallard (Brooklyn), Linda Bergquist (San Francisco), Frank Rudolph Stirk (Vancouver, British Columbia), Kevin Baggett (Panama City), Michael Crane (SE Asia), Scott Carter (SE Asia), Lori Adams-Brown (Singapore), Bryce McFarland (South Asia), Matthew Brichetto (New Orleans), Kurt Holiday (Johannesburg), Sean Benesh (Portland).The International Journal of Urban Transformation (IJUT) is a bi-annual academic journal dedicated to a scholarly investigation and research, and analysis of urban issues and trends affecting best practices in urban missiology and applicable in the areas of the world, not least among the urban poor. As such, this journal is a forum for the exchange of ideas and research between urban missiologists and practitioners who are interested in advancing the kingdom of God.