Burnett or Bridgett: A Tale of Two Employee
Some Employees Build Bridges . . . And Others Burn Them! Employees will rock you or shock you. Nothing will kill the spirit of a great employee faster than watching leadership tolerate a bad employee. Bridgett & Burnett: A Tale of Two Employees is a modern-day parable that brings to light the right and wrong ways of being a part of a corporate workplace. Employees will learn: Should you use company time to work on your personal projects? How should you respond to change? Are you within your rights to just walk off the job? Managers and business owners will realize: How can one "bad apple" spoil the bunch? What are the warning signs of a disruptive employee? What is the "point of no return" when dealing with "Burnetts"? These questions and more are answered in the context of a captivating story highlighted with lush illustrations that make the insights memorable as well as actionable. You’ll remember this poignant narrative long after you’ve finished it because you’ll take its eye-opening lessons with you wherever you go.