Liturgical Mysticism
Some think that liturgy is formal, public, and for ordinary people, while mysticism is uncontrollable, private, and for extraordinary saints. Is there a connection between the two? In this volume, David Fagerberg proposes that mysticism is the normal crowning of the Christian life, and the Christian life is liturgical.
We intuitively sense that liturgy and theology and mysticism have an affinity. Liturgical theology should reveal liturgy's mystical heart. Liturgical theology asks "What happens in liturgy?" and liturgical mysticism asks "What happens to us in liturgy?", and perfects our interior liturgy.
In Liturgical Mysticism, Fagerberg directs the reader to look fixedly at Christ, who is the Mystery present in liturgy, and who bestows his resurrection power upon his adopted children.
"In a time where both too wild and too mild spiritualities abound, it is audacious to put forward a book on liturgical mysticism. [This book] continues to enrich liturgical theology by amplifying its horizon and solidifying the foundation on which it rests."
—Joris Geldhof, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven