My Way: One Nurse's Passion for End of Life
In My Way – One Nurse’s Passion for End of Life, Nugent shares not only her personal history but also her model for end–of-life nursing. Her career and education spanned many countries, from her home in Adelaide, Australia, to Canada, the United States, the UK, India, Singapore, and Malaysia. She encourages nurses to follow in her footsteps, urging them to become midwives of the soul and to take charge of their own professional lives. Throughout, Nugent details her life experiences and travels and offers recommendations on the attitude, knowledge and skills essential for building trusting patient-nurse relationships. Although she has had to face many challenges and struggles along the way, she acknowledges that her life has been divinely guided.
This memoir recalls one nurse’s personal and professional life and encourages all to view death as a threshold to the world of spirit- a threshold to be crossed and not feared. This is the second book in a trilogy written by the author. The first book, As Good As Goodbyes Get – A Window into Death and Dying, offers readers a non-threatening approach to end of life with personal stories. The third book is titled Parting the Veil – Reflections on Soul and considers the role of religion and physician assisted dying.
She currently lives in Adelaide, South Australia and has four children and twelve grandchildren. She is the Patron of Soul Talks Inc. whose Vision Statement is to promote and encourage integrative doctors and allied healing practitioners to include the importance of the deeper layers of consciousness, the role of energy medicine and soul needs in their practice.