Deeper Still: Ministry Empowered By The Holy Spirit
This book is a culmination of years of discernment. I grew up as Missionary Baptist in a Mississippi railroad town. After a season of adolescent agnosticism, I was radically called to salvation and later to ministry among Pentecostals whose openness to the surprising work of the Holy Spirit "sooth[ed] my doubts and calm[ed] my fears," as the Andre Crouch song "The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power" testifies. After experiencing the power of God among them, I later returned to my native black Baptist roots, now ablaze with Holy Ghost power in a way - previously deemed unavailable in the religion of my youth. This formation in both Baptist and Pentecostal settings made me feel odd and I was often called to choose a side by well-meaning saints in each denominational tribe. What follows in these pages is the way - reconciled these two ways of being Christian by placing Calvary and Pentecost in dialog.