Amidst the Darkness
"Amidst the Darkness", by Debbie Tosun Kilday is a series of poems the author writes by observing people, her surroundings, exploring her feelings, and using her photographs, resulting in a dazzling array of real world poetry. This volume of Debbie's poetry is a testament to the beauty and strength of an extraordinary woman. It defines the delicacy of word combined with a choice of material that puts practicality in the light of the tenderness of a fresh rose petal. Debbie's voice is one of the most unique I have ever heard. I have never encountered a poet who is able to make such sense by combining the grace of the turtles she loves free in the sea, labor of carrying the world and it's inhabitants on her determined and able back. Annie Petrie Sauter - Colorado Beat Poet Laureate (2017-2019)