Following the Curve
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Ph.D., the 2009-13 Kansas Poet Laureate is the author of over two dozen books, including most recently Miriam’s Well, a novel; Every- day Magic; and the award-winning Chasing Weather: Tornadoes, Tempests, and Thunderous Skies in Word and Image with weather chaser Stephen Locke. She curates, out of which three anthologies have been published, including the recent Kansas Time + Place, co-edited with Roy Beckemeyer. She’s co-editor of Konza: A Bioregional Journal on Living in Place. Founder of Transformative Language Arts at Goddard College where she teaches, Mirriam-Goldberg leads writing workshops widely, and with singer Kelley Hunt, writing and singing retreats. Caryn completed the Bhaktivana Yoga with Heart teaching training program with Gopi Sandal, and Anna Guest-Jelly’s certification in teaching Curvy Yoga. She regularly studies with Anne Underwood at the Yoga Center of Lawrence, and with the sky, trees, and prairies in her backyard. www.CarynMirriam