Seek Until You're Astonished: Finding the Mystery of God in the Question
What is God? Who is the Christ? Who or what am I? What do I really believe? Have you asked yourself any of these questions? This book is the story of my spiritual questioning, which has led to a personal spiritual evolution. I invite you to journey with me and entertain these and more questions for your own.In this book, you'll have an opportunity to take a look at your beliefs, and ask yourself some deep questions that could transform your life. Keep in mind that it takes a degree of maturity, wisdom, and courage to question our beliefs. And sometimes, the answers are not obvious. I have reached a point where I am still questioning, still exploring, but no longer uncomfortable with not having the answers.My goal is not to get you to change what you believe ... I simply invite you to question your belief system to assure yourself that it can stand up to your questions. When I took this journey, I discovered how many things I had "accepted on faith," or more accurately, just never questioned. Through the questioning, my beliefs evolved into something very different -- and transformational. My hope is that sharing my journey will support you in your search, encourage you to ask questions, and be astonished and joyous in the mystery.