Hunter's Log Volume II & III
When Timothy Murphy's long-awaited collection of hunting poetry, Hunter's Log, Volumes II & III, went into production, he was thriving and making preparations for a new hunting season. Alas, this glorious continuation of his original Hunter s Log is published posthumously. Timothy Iver Murphy scout, hiker, sailor, farmer, entrepreneur, and hunter of Fargo, North Dakota, passed away in his home on Saturday, June 30, 2018, at the age of sixty-seven. His last two years were resplendent with his outpouring of poetry at a phenomenal pace, as though he suspected his time to write and to hunt was running short. In Hunter's Log, Volumes II & III, you ll find Tim s love for all the rites and tribulations of rising at O Dark Thirty, God O'Clock to take his dogs out for training or hunting and for days that conclude with a pheasant gumbo steaming on the stove.