Intermediality in French-Language Comics and Graphic Novels
This collection of essays explores the interconnections between the modalities of expression and representation in French-language comics and that of other media. These individual analyses discuss mixed media uses of comic art and film, literature, reportage, painting, photography, religious iconography, history and memory studies, video games, and music. The essays included in this volume also examine, more widely, the connections between image, reality, and memory, as well as the relationship between comics, cultural capital, and the artistic tradition. Essays by Maaheen Ahmed, Renée Altergott, Jan Baetens, Livio Belloï, Michelle Bumatay, Erwin Dejasse, Hugo Frey, Maxence Leconte, Fabrice Leroy, Mark McKinney, Ana Oancea, Tamara Tasevska, Fred Truyen, and Charlotte F. Werbe. Book jacket.