From Best Kept Secret To Success In Life, Love & Business
Live Your Legacy!
After spending nearly 35 years in hiding Jo Dibblee realized something that changed her life. By 2007, although she’d already guided hundreds of entrepreneurial women to unleash their best selves and realize success, she was holding back, hiding her true self beneath traumatic events that had occurred in her past.
In From Best Kept Secret To Success In Life, Love, & Business, Jo shares the common elements we each face in the human experience of moving from best kept secret to success. Jo leads you through an adventure of standing on rather than in your story, giving voice to yourself and your purpose. If you’re ready to shift from struggling to soaring, this upfront and uplifting guide is for you.Get ready to unleash and unlock your true power to live the life you want, to have the deep and rich relationships you deserve, and to see success in your business.