Chronicles of the Imagination: The Noble Dragons
500 years ago, long before the coming of the Blood of the Land, a time of hopeful uncertainty has fallen on the icy world of Staranana. The cruel Emperor Seth has mysteriously vanished, but the people begin their celebrations perhaps a bit prematurely. A sinister plot to destroy the Starananians' last and greatest stronghold, Stony City, quickly unfolds as 100,000 mongrel dragons rain destruction down on the city, and Lizard Face, Seth's treacherous second-in-command, prepares to usurp the abandoned throne. However, hope comes in the form of three young and powerful dragons loyal to the cause of the people. Together with Splash Moonbeam, legendary ancestor of Spikey Moonbeam, and Rys Noble, a young and powerful dragon tamer, the Noble Dragons will fight to protect Stony City from its greatest threat yet. Unfortunately, victory will come with a heavy price, and it may not even be final. For the disappearance of Seth does not match the expectations of prophecy, and his return will spell certain doom for Stony City and all of Staranana.