The powerful story of a mother lost to a rare form of schizophrenia, and a daughter’s quest to find her. It's 1963 when Marjorie McGee suddenly disappears from her Southern California beach home, leaving nine-year-old Zetty motherless and confused. In alternating points of view, the story follows the lives of both mother and daughter as Marjorie's illness progresses, and Zetty's hope for her return diminishes. But at age seventeen, Zetty wants answers. She finds herself in a circle of unconventional women—opinionated, endearing, courageous and keen-eyed women—who offer Zetty their heart and backbone. As unexpected friendships form, Zetty begins an emotional, psychological, and spiritual journey in search of her mother—never imagining the joy and tragedy yet to come, the undeniable power of early childhood bonds, and the secret that will change their lives forever.