Right, Wrong and Race
Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was wrong when he declared that America was created on "racist principles." In his book Right, Wrong, and Race, Dr. Jerry McMullen drives home three important points: 1. History leaves no doubt that Protestant values brought from Europe by the Puritans and Scotch-Irish shaped the character on which our nation was founded and through which it flourished. 2. "Hands-up, don't shoot," "black lives matter," and "white privilege" are hypocritical refrains that detract from addressing critical social problems. Find out how the Michael Brown-Darren Wilson and Henry Louis Gates-James Crowley confrontations prove this point. 3. Barack Obama¹s presidential legacy is one of racial bias and divisiveness. He consistently fails to judge people and events based on objective ethical and social criteria, fracturing our shared moral sense. This book clearly illustrates how the political left strives to obliterate both historical facts and commonsense notions of right and wrong when discussing the topic of race in America.