7 Steps of Your Career Ladder: How To Create Your Own Successful Career Path Like A Champion!
Many professionals do not have a solid career plan in place, moving from one unplanned job to the next. You should not let this happen to you.7 Steps of Your Career Ladder helps you take full control of your career success by showing you how to define your objectives, leverage your strengths, latch onto unexpected opportunities, and determine your own North Star career goal. This is the career guidance book you need to jump-start your career, no matter where you are at the moment job wise. Full of career building tips and tools, 7 Steps of Your Career Ladder is a practical career guide book to help you define a career pathway that enhances your odds of landing that dream job that¿s in the back of your mind. Each chapter introduces a reflective exercise and finishes with specific action steps designed to help you determine your career path. 7 Steps of Your Career Ladder is written by Rodrigo S. Martineli, a successful international executive in a Fortune 50 company where he ran a multi-billion dollar business and the founder of the Career Ladder Institute. He has been coaching mid-level leaders, individual contributors, and senior executives on strategic career planning for over 10 years.