The Chocolate Soldier: Heroism: The Lost Chord of Christianity (deeperChristian Classics)
Difficulties, dangers, disease, death, or divisions don't deter any but Chocolate Soldiers from executing God's Will. When someone says there is a lion in the way, the real Christian promptly replies, "That's hardly enough inducement for me; I want a bear or two besides to make it worth my while to go." Reading the words of C.T. Studd (1860-1931)—Britain’s famous cricketer and missionary to China, India, and Africa—is no easy endeavor. The words are simple but each phrase is packed with a punch that leaves you reeling, convicted, and yet oddly inspired. If Studd argued that his day was filled with "namby-pamby lukewarm" Chocolate Christians, I fear what he would say about our generation today. And yet his call couldn't be more needed: be a true soldier of Jesus Christ and plunge headlong into the world in the power of His Spirit, to proclaim the Gospel and live out the true, historic, and victorious Christian life. This deeperChristian classic edition includes: • The Chocolate Soldier — or also known as: Heroism: The Lost Chord of Christianity • Only One Life, Twill Soon Be Past (a famous poem by Studd) • A collection of poems Studd wrote entitled Quaint Rhymes for the Battlefield • A collection of several of our favorite C.T. Studd quotes Only one life, 'twill soon be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.