60 Cents: Secrets and Tales in a Small Town
Growing up in a small Southern town can be a phenomenal experience for a young boy who has any measure of curiosity and imagination. Whimsical tales of youthful frolic and childish nonsense provide a jovial flair to memories of yesteryear. But when a shameful secret of monumental magnitude rears its' ugly head and penetrates the soul of a young man, it causes him to wonder who he really is; and, if who his very own father claimed to be was, in fact, reality. In "60 Cents", Brad Hulsey's life journey takes you through a myriad of high and low moments that exemplify the triumphs, struggles and realities that all humankind faces. Brad's startling revelations and long-sought-after redemption and reconciliation stir a multitude of feelings and emotions that, ultimately, lead to new-found self-recognition and eventual forgiveness for the sins of the father - and the grandfathers.