The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians
The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinician's also known as The Purple Book (TPB) continues to be a busy clinician's dream come true. TPB is a tried and true, concise, user-friendly compendium of pretty much everything you need to know to engage in vaccine practice. The book contains detailed information about vaccines licensed in the United States and the diseases they are designed to prevent. It intentionally goes beyond, if not behind, the immunization schedules, discussing everything from specific healthcare conditions, storage and handling, coding and billing, vaccine infrastructure, and even the basic immunology of how vaccines work, supported by elegant illustrations and useful tables. The comprehensive chapter dedicated to addressing concerns about vaccines contains practical strategies for managing vaccine hesitancy and answers to common questions raised by parents and patients. The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society is proud to be associated with this wonderful resource, which aims to enrich our understanding of vaccines and ensure their deployment for the common good.