The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicans
The Vaccine Handbook: A Practical Guide for Clinicians commonly referred to in immunization circles as The Purple Book is an authoritative, user-friendly guide to immunizations. Easy to navigate yet replete with up-to-date information, the Purple Book; contains practical advice and background on vaccine program infrastructure, standards and regulations, business aspects of vaccine practice, general recommendations, schedules, special circumstances, and how to address the concerns of parents and patients. Specific information about vaccine-preventable diseases, the rationale for vaccine use, and available products is included. This highly respected guide belongs at the fingertips of everyone who has a role in vaccinating patients, including primary care providers, nurses, medical assistants, health sciences students, and those in advanced training. The Purple Book is one-stop shopping for everything you need to know in using vaccines to prevent disease and preserve health.