Day By Day in Ephesians
In Day by Day In Ephesians, the reader is supplied with ninety-six thought-provoking devotionals. Most of the devotionals are one page in length and may also be used for personal or group Bible study. A distinctive feature of this devotional/Bible study guide is that all the entries deal sequentially with every verse in the epistle to the Ephesians. Consequently, the devotional/studies flow with Paul’s Holy Spirit-inspired thoughts. The emphasis on each devotional/study revolve s around the truths the author believes Paul is endeavoring to communicate to his readers. Each devotional concludes with a Thought for the Day. This feature is designed to encourage the reader to reflect upon the biblical truth discussed that day and how it can be practically applied to the reader’s life. It is the author’s desire that the reader will become more familiar with the epistle to the Ephesian. Also, the author trusts the reader will “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18) as the devotionals are read and reflected upon thoughtfully and prayerfully.