I Read You Loud and Clear...Say Again?: If You're Flying in Circles--Admit You're Lost
Have you ever wondered where you’re headed in life? And if there’s anyone out there to guide your journey? With equal parts humor and wisdom, pilot and speaker Gaye Martin compares our lives to an airplane flight—and God to an air traffic controller. Though we can’t see Him, He is always on duty, guiding us each step of the way. The trick, though, for most of us, is learning to hear His voice above the static of life. In her inimitable style, Gaye challenges us to fly high, pray hard, and reminds us that if visibility is zero, trust the One with the whole picture. Whether you’ve been flying with the Heavenly Controller for many years, or are just beginning the journey, this book will equip you to take to the skies and soar. “With sheer honesty and lavishly-laced humor, Gay Martin shares profound life lessons she has learned along the way. It is impossible to read this book and remain the same. Readers will find themselves desiring to fly higher in their own journey with God.” - Millie Farthing, Director, Celebration of Grace Women’s Retreat Ministry “I laughed, I cried, I identified with her as a mother, a wife, and a woman. Gaye is a godly woman who splashes the beauty of God’s love on everyone she meets.” - Dianne Cocktrell, President, national Association of Southern Baptist Secretaries