River of Hope: A 1,000 Mile Winter Canoe Journey for Autism Awareness
In the dead of winter, Joe Reidhead embarked on a 1000-mile canoe journey that would connect two of America's great rivers--the Missouri and the Mississippi. "River of Hope" follows Reidhead down these rivers as he braves freezing water, blizzards, massive barges, and hallucinations. These brutal conditions forced him to confront his innermost fears in an environment filled with danger. As though these challenges were not big enough, Reidhead also used the voyage as a platform to raise awareness for autism--a disorder that dwells close to home for the author. "
River of Hope" is a story of grandiose dreams and humility at the hands of nature. Along the way, Reidhead explores the history and culture of these rivers, and he discovers unexpected parallels between the struggles of his adventure and the struggles of those who live with autism.