How to Eat a Rainbow Magical Raw Vegan Recipes for Kids! (Revised Edition)
How to Eat a Rainbow: Magical Raw Vegan Recipes for Kids! is a magical themed healthy children's recipe book that targets the most difficult dietary areas: treats, snacks, and drinks. Eaten alongside a balanced whole foods diet, these 22 recipes can add an extra boost of energy and get kids excited about healthy eating! How to Eat a Rainbow teaches children how to fill their plates with fruits and vegetables in all the colors of the rainbow, and the importance of eating a variety of colors every day. Each recipe is a world children can dive into while they unpack the ingredients and make their own work of art. These fairies are hard at work (though some are a bit lazy) and are part of the team, chopping down towering stalks of celery, plucking grapes, and enchanting the seeds!